[Teacher Mike - Zalo 0977207836]

[lesson: 026 / 1 - 0/1/3]

Teacher Mike. Candles, Matches, And Lighters

Okay, today we are going to talk about candles and lighters and matches. What are they and what do we do with them? So this is a candle. This is also a candle. This is also a candle. And candles are usually made from wax. Wax is this material. And you light the candle. Light is the action light. So this thing is called a lighter. You can use the lighter to light the candle. Or you could use this. This is also a lighter, but this is called a torch lighter. Or maybe you don't use a lighter. Maybe you use a match. And this is a box of matches. And to use a match, you take a match and you strike the match on the box. Strike. And you strike the match on the box to light the match. And then you use the match to light the candle. Now, this is still burning, so you can blow blow it out. Past tense Blew. I blew out the match. I blew out the candle. So, yeah, you can use a match to light the candle or you can use a lighter to light the candle. Like I said, this part of the candle is made from wax. But there's also the part at the top, the part that you light. And that part is called the wick. So this candle has one wick, but this candle has one, two, three wicks. So a one wick candle, a three wick candle. You can light the candle with a lighter, you can light the candle with a torch lighter or you can light the candle with a match. And after you light the candle, when you are finished with the candle, you need to put it out. Like I said, you can blow it out. That's one option. But maybe you don't blow it out. Maybe. For example, with this candle, I just put the lid on it. But so the main action is to put it out. Please put out the candles. Or you can use the same words if someone is smoking, for example, light a cigarette. Then when they're finished, put out the cigarette. And the same thing with fires. If you're building a fire when you're camping, or maybe you're building a fire in your fireplace to stay warm in the winter, you can say light a fire to start it and then at the end, you put out the fire when you are finished and you want it to stop burning. So yeah, candles candles are made from wax. Candles have a wick on the top. This candle has three wicks. You light the candle and then you put out the candle. Maybe with your finger. Not the best idea. Or maybe you blow out the candle.
/ ˈtiː-tʃə maɪk ˈkæn-dlz, ˈmæ-ʧɪz, ən ˈlaɪ-təz /

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Okay, today we are going to talk about candles and lighters and matches. What are they and what do we do with them? So this is a candle. This is also a candle. This is also a candle. And candles are usually made from wax. Wax is this material. And you light the candle. Light is the action light. So this thing is called a lighter. You can use the lighter to light the candle. Or you could use this. This is also a lighter, but this is called a torch-lighter. Or maybe you don't use a lighter. Maybe you use a match. And this is a box of matches. And to use a match, you take a match and you strike-the-match on the box. Strike. And you strike-the-match on the box to light the match. And then you use the match to light the candle. Now, this is still burning, so you can blow blow-it-out. Past-tense blew. I blew-out the match. I blew-out the candle. So, yeah, you can use a match to light the candle or you can use a lighter to light the candle. Like-i-said, this part of the candle is made from wax. But there's also the part at the top, the part that you light. And that part is called the wick. So this candle has one wick, but this candle has one, two, three wicks. So a one wick candle, a three wick candle. You can light the candle with a lighter, you can light the candle with a torch-lighter or you can light the candle with a match. And after you light the candle, when you are finished with the candle, you need to put-it-out. Like-i-said, you can blow-it-out. That's one option. But maybe you don't blow-it-out. Maybe. For example, with this candle, I just put the lid on it. But so the main action is to put-it-out. Please put-out the candles. Or you can use the same words if someone is smoking, for example, light a cigarette. Then when they're finished, put-out the cigarette. And the-same-thing with fires. If you're building a fire when you're camping, or maybe you're building a fire in your fireplace to stay-warm in the winter, you can say light a fire to start it and-then at-the-end, you put-out the fire when you are finished and you want it to stop burning. So yeah, candles candles are made from wax. Candles have a wick on the top. This candle has three wicks. You light the candle and-then you put-out the candle. Maybe with your finger. Not the best idea. Or maybe you blow-out the candle.

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